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The NBA is unique in the sense that our organization will not attempt to be like our counterparts in the sanctioning of Championship bouts. We do not criticize the methods of others. They are all “Champions” in their own right. What the NBA chose to do is expand the possibilities for those athlete’s who participate in the sport of boxing. The NBA believes that more than a select few should be given a chance to win the coveted title of Champion. From the young upstart who has demonstrated his skills and ability to the seasoned veteran who has toiled for years in his craft and never won the highest honor. That is the NBA philosophy.
Our commitment is to provide that opportunity to all that qualify. We will adhere to the policy that only participants with strong records are considered. The results of there last 10 bouts with the decisiveness of their victories; class of opponents fought and current activity will be reviewed. No boxer will be considered for Championship status without participating in 15 bouts or more bouts and losses may never exceed an exceptional level in relation to bouts won. Trending downwards with two or more loses will lose consideration. In essence, the NBA will strive for good: solid committed boxers who will bring honor and respectability to the sport of boxing.

Let it be known that the NBA will not promote, organize, arrange or produce any boxing contest and is responsible solely for decisions regarding the NBA rules., its rankings, the designation of a fighter as Champion and his entitlement as said Champion.
The NBA’s involvement is limited to sanctioning bouts as Championship Title fights in its World, Continentals, Americas, and Junior divisions. The NBA has structured a fee schedule that enables promoters with limited funds as well as those with sizable promotional budgets to participate on a level field. The affordable fees help turn any event into a profitable and exciting endeavor. The NBA does not collect a fee either in whole or in part from any participant. We accept all officials assigned by the local boxing Commission and follow all rules and regulation established by the Association of Boxing Commissioners (ABC) concerning Championship bouts. The NBA only sends one supervisor to insure the rules and regulations are indeed enforced and present the Champion belt to the winner.


P.O.Box 341183 Tampa, FL. 33694

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